3, Thistle, Guze Pesci Str, Iklin, IKL 1421, Malta
Ph.D, University of Malta
Concentrations: Gen Z, Espoused Theology, Practical Theology
Working title: Developing a Pastoral Language for the Gaming Maltese Gen Z: A Practical Theology approach
Dissertation Advisors: Prof. Nadia Delicata, Ph.D., Rev. Prof. Peter Phillips, Ph.D.
M.A., Digital Theology, Durham University, 2020
Concentrations: Gaming, Theology
Dissertation: Death in Fortnite: A theological exploration of Fortnite’s representation of death and its perceived effect on youths in Malta
Dissertation Advisor: Rev. Prof. Peter Phillips, Ph.D.
M.Sc., Informatics, University at Malta, 2017
Concentrations: Geographic Information Systems, Location Based Services
Dissertation: The development of a Geographic Information System for traffic route planning using Location Based Services
Dissertation Advisors: Prof. Maria Attard, Ph.D., Joseph Vella, Ph.D.
S.Th.B, Theology, University of Malta, 2018
B.A. (Hons), Theology with Subsidiary Area: Philosophy, University of Malta, 2015
B.Sc., Business and Computing, University of Malta, 2005
International Researcher, Churches Online in Times of Corona (CONTOC), 2020 – 2022
As part of an international research network, my task is to lead the analysis of the Maltese data and then compare them with the rest of the network. This international and ecumenical survey envisages to learn more about what has moved ministers and priests during COVID, what role digital forms of communication in particular have played in their pastoral and parish practice, and what opportunities and challenges they have discovered for the Church as a result of this crisis.
Intern / Part-time Research Officer, Discern Research Institute, 2021 – 2021
Was involved in two projects with the research institute of the Archdiocese. Researched the understanding of parish priests and lay people of the Ecclesia, and how COVID-19 reshaped their theological imaginary. In the second project we researched the relationships between political ideologies, voting patterns, and theological understandings of Maltese youths.
Pulis, Matthew. ‘Lonergan’s understanding of ‘Communication’, his influence on McLuhan, and their imprint on Evangelisation’ Knisja 2000.
Pulis, Matthew. “Digital Salvation as a Gift: A Catholic Understanding of Digital Salvation in Contrast to Kurzweilian Transhumanism.” Journal of Posthuman Studies 6, no. 2 (2022): 199-219.
Pulis, Matthew. “Gen Z: The Gaming Generation.” In Reaching Out: An Integrative Approach to School Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy, edited by Alexandra Chircop, Jimmy Bonnici, Marlene Cauchi, Marco Portelli, and Matthew Pulis, E-Book., 45. Floriana: Secretariat for Catholic Education, 2022.
Pulis, Matthew, Charlo Camilleri, and Tero Massa. ‘A SPIRITUAL Artificial General Intelligence?’ Melita Theologica 71, no. 2 (2021): 65–94.
Mifsud Inguanez, Delia, Matthew Pulis, and Luke J Buhagiar. “Parishes and COVID-19.” Research Report–2021, 2021. https://discern.mt/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Report_Parrocci_full.pdf.
Buhagiar, Luke J., Delia Mifsud Inguanez, and Matthew Pulis. “Youth Engagement Study. Report–2021.” DISCERN, MCYN, Justice, 2021. https://jp.church.mt/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Youth-Engagement-Study.pdf.
Pulis, Matthew. ‘An Embodied vs a Silicon-Based Priesthood: AIs Can Never Be Catholic Priests’. Academia Letters, 17 March 2021. https://doi.org/10.20935/al579.
Pulis, Matthew. ‘Death and Dying in Games: A Catholic Theological Engagement of Bosman’s Typology of Narratological Embeddings of Player’s Death’. Academia Letters, 2021. https://doi.org/10.20935/AL1558
Pulis, Matthew. ‘Digitally Mediated Rosary’. In Hybrid Church: Blending Online and Offline Community, edited by Peter Phillips. Grove Books, 2020.
Pulis, Matthew. ‘Death in Fortnite: Fortnite’s Theological Representation of Death and Its Perceived Effect on Youths in Malta’. Theology and Ministry, no. 7 (2020).
Pulis, Matthew. ‘Gaming as an Essential Part of the Catechetical Framework: Addressing Gen-Z’s Needs’. Knisja 2000 31, no. 130 (2019): 69–79.
Attard, Jean Claude, Matthew Pulis, Jean Gove, Peter Ellul, and Bernard Micallef, eds. A Human Journey: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Role of the Catholic Church in Malta. Għaqda Studenti tat-Teoloġija, 2018.
Pulis, Matthew, Luke J. Buhagiar, Jean Claude Attard, Jimmy Bonnici, and Andre Zaffarese. ‘The Pastoral as Polysemic: Perspectives of Priests in Malta.’ Melita Theologica, 2023.
Pulis, Matthew, Luke J. Buhagiar, Jean Claude Attard, Jimmy Bonnici, and Andre Zaffarese. “A Pastorally-Oriented Heart: The Maltese Catholic Priest during Covid-19.” In CONTOC International Volume, edited by Thomas Schlag, Georg Lämmlin, and Ilona Nord, Zurich: Springer Nature, 2023.
Henk de Roest, Heidi Park, and Matthew Pulis. “Responding to Imposed Online Communication in the Church: Reconstructing Pastoral Identity During the Covid-19 Crisis.” In CONTOC International Volume, edited by Thomas Schlag, Georg Lämmlin, and Ilona Nord, Zurich: Springer Nature, 2023.
Pulis, Matthew. ‘Psychology, Gaming, and Religion among Maltese Youths: Insights from a Quantitative Study’. In 3rd International Conference ‘Contemporary Challenges of Working with At-Risk Youth’, Radenci, Slovenia: Mednaronda Konferenca MDJ, 2023.
Park, Heidi, Matthew Pulis, and Henk de Roest. ‘Reconstructing Pastoral Identity in Community During the Coronacrisis’. In CONTOC International Meeting, edited by Thomas Schlag. Online: CONTOC, 2021.
Pulis, Matthew. ‘Digital Confessions: A Possibility?’ In Early Career Conference in Catholic Theology and Catholic Studies, edited by Paul D Murray and Karen Kilby. Durham: Centre for Catholic Studies, 2021.
Pulis, Matthew, Steffen Eckhardt, Jurgen Deniffel, Heidi Park, Theo Pleizier, Ilona Nord, Luke Buhagiar, et al. ‘The Pastoral Role in COVID-19 Times’. In CONTOC International Meeting, edited by Thomas Schlag. Online: CONTOC, 2021.
Buhagiar, Luke J., Matthew Pulis, and Andre Zaffarese. “Perspectives of Parish Priests and Parish Workers in Malta.” In Lived Catholicism and Covid-19, edited by Marius Pound. Durham: Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University, 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XPPRdp_sHk&ab_channel=LivedCatholicism.
Cox-Darling, Joanne, Matthew Pulis, and Bryony Tyler. ‘Meeting God Online? Learning from Ministry in Lockdown’. Online: Premier Digital, 2020.
Pulis, Matthew. ‘Malta during COVID-19’. In Premier Digital Conference 2020, edited by Kevin Bennett, Peter Phillips, and Jonas Kurlberg. Online: Premier Digital, 2020.
Pulis, Matthew, Attard, Maria. ‘Exploring the shortest route options: applying environmental indicators to calculating shortest route’. In 1st Workshop of ICT (WICT) 2008, Msida: University of Malta, 2008.
Calleja, Carlo, and Matthew Pulis. ‘The Beauty of Sexuality: A Gift and a Challenge’. In SEX 360°: The Multidisciplinary Approach to Sexuality. Valletta, 2015.
Pulis, Matthew. ‘Articulating the operant theology affecting the religious identity of the Catholic Maltese Gaming Generation: A Practical Theological Approach’. In Youth Research Methodology Seminar. Hamburg, 2023.
Buhagiar, Luke J., and Matthew Pulis. ‘Formation, Intergroup Contact and Viewpoint Changes: Measuring the effectiveness of 18 months of formation on openness and inclusion’. In Youth Research Methodology Seminar. Hamburg, 2023.
Jodie Bezzina. ‘The Mystic Youth: How Spirituality Helps Young People Overcome Their Own Existential Wounds. A Thematic Analysis Amongst The Maltese Mixed Gender Scouts.’. BA (Honours) in Youth and Community Studies at the Faculty for Social Wellbeing, 2023 – .
Feb 2020 – Internal report on NEWSBOOK.COM.MT’s mission in view of the Pastoral Plan of the Diocese – Commissioned by Beacon Group’s Board of Directors, Malta
Buhagiar, Luke J., Matthew Pulis. Christina Micallef, Brian Gialanzé. ‘Measuring the effectiveness of 18 months of formation on openness and inclusion’. – Erasmus+ Mobility Project run by ABLAZE Youths – Kalkara, Malta.
- GlObal NEtwork for Digital Theology (GONE Digital) (2020 – )
- Churches Online in Times of Corona (CONTOC) International Network (2020 – 2022)
- Editorial board member of the peer-reviewed journal Melita Theologica – Faculty of Theology, University of Malta
- Editorial board member of RETHINK.MT – Vicariate for Evangelisation and Justice & Peace, Archdiocese of Malta
- Editorial board member of Flimkien Magazine (and Flimkien.mt) – College of Parish Priests, Archdiocese of Malta
- Technical board member of Digitali – Migrants Commission, Archdiocese of Malta
May 2023 – Freedom of Speech, How far is too far? – Panel member. Organised by MSSP Oratory Youths, Malta
Nov. 2022 – The Youth Leader’s Pastoral Work with Gen Z – Delivered to the national leaders of the Catholic Action Youths (ŻAK), Malta
Apr. 2022 – Gen Z: A Spiritual Generation – Delivered to the education staff of St. Joseph’s College (Sliema), Malta
Mar 2022 – The Gaming Playful Generation – Delivered to the education staff of Savio College, Malta
Feb. 2022 – Ministering to Gen Z – Delivered at ESF Project Matthew, Secretariat for Catholic Education, Malta
July 2021 – Gen Z: A Digital Generation – Delivered to Colegio María Inmaculada, Argentina
May 2021 – Knisja Diġitali (Digital Church) – Delivered to the College of Parish Priests, Malta
May 2021 – Gaming as a new culture – Panel member as part of the Ripple: Plug & Play series organised by the Malta Catholic Youth Network, Malta
May 2021 – A new generation: delving deeper – Delivered to the Senior Management Team of St. Augustine’s College, Malta
Mar. 2021 – A new generation: education and pastoral challenges – Delivered to the academic staff of St. Augustine’s College, Malta
Nov. 2020 – Min huma uliedna? (Who are our children?) – Delivered to the parents of St. Augustine’s College, Malta
Sep. 2020 – The Gaming/Digital Generation Z – Delivered to TECH.MT steering committee (Malta’s Government steering committee for technology)
Nov. 2019 – AI: Too Good? What’s Bad? How Ugly? – Panel member. Organised by the Malta Humanist Association, Malta
- Regular contributor on RETHINK.MT – A project by the Archdiocese of Malta to digitally engage our culture – https://rethink.mt/author/matthew-pulis/
- “Born to Play” – Gaming and Religion (Universe of Faith, 2021) – https://universeoffaith.org/born-to-play-gaming-and-religion/
- What is Artificial Intelligence? – Myths, Robots, Ethics (Universe of Faith, 2020) – https://universeoffaith.org/what-is-artificial-intelligence-myths-robots-ethics/
- Malta’s hidden plague of misinformation (Times of Malta, 2019) – https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/maltas-hidden-plague-of-misinformation-matthew-pulis.755662
- An open letter to Silvio Schembri in response to the National AI strategy (co-authored, Times of Malta, 2018) – https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/an-open-letter-to-silvio-schembri-christopher-bugeja-and-others.695079
Artificial Intelligence; Cultural Theology; Digital Anthropology; Digital Mediated Christianity; Digital Theology; Four Voices of Theology; Gaming; Gaming and Theology; Gaming Studies; Generation Z; Maltese Generation Z; Pastoral Theology; Practical Theological Method; Practical Theology; Social Shaping of Technology; Theology and Culture; Theology of the Peoples; Youth Studies; Youths Culture; Youths Theology
- April 2019 – to date: Priest at the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Malta, Malta
- Sep. 2015 – Feb. 2016: Intern Translator, Maltese Unit at the European Economic and Social Committee, Belgium
- Feb. 2010 – Dec. 2011: GIS Senior Developer at Newgrove Consultants Ltd., United Kingdom
- Nov. 2008 – Jan. 2010: Monitoring and Supervising Officer at the Malta Gaming Authority, Malta
- Sep. 2006 – Jun. 2007: Computer Studies secondary school teacher, Girls’ Secondary School, Cospicua, Malta
- Jan. 2000 – Jun. 2009: Technical Director and Founding Partner at Solutions-Lab.NET, Malta
- Jul. 2001 – Aug. 2008: Centre Manager at EF Language School, Malta & UK